Entries by Manny

9 Ways to Identify a Phishing Website

Phishing scams are still quite prevalent today and have even become more sophisticated with time. Most of these scams are initiated from the victim’s email inbox, with a link that leads to a fraudulent website that is similar in name and appearance to a legitimate one.

What Is Gravatar and How to Use It?

If you’ve ever encountered users with profile pictures on a website’s or blog’s comment section, the image is usually a Gravatar. As an internet user or website owner, you need one to be easily identifiable across the internet without uploading a photo each time.

What Are Tesla’s Over-the-Air Updates?

Tesla’s high-tech EVs are heavily reliant on software to function. It’s no surprise, then, that Tesla’s software requires fairly regular updates to patch security issues and offer new features. But you don’t take your Tesla into a garage for an update. Rather, Tesla provides over-the-air updates.