This Is How It Feels To Dive From 14,000 Feet
Thanks To Skydive Windy City Chicago
My Skydive Gallery
My Experience
My Personal Comments
This was definitely something that I have always wanted to do at some point in my life, but I never knew when that time would be. Then one evening I received a call from my father and he just happened to ask me if I would like to go jump out of an airplane with him and I said, “Sure why not?” I know that this is an experience I will never forget and one day I might actually do this again. However, I just would like to thank my beautiful supportive fiance Chicari , my father Emanuel Cole and our families and friends that have always been very supportive and kept us in their prayers. I am happy to be able to share this wonderful experience with all of you and I hope that my experience helps encourage you to face your fears and live your life the fullest.