This Is How It Feels To Dive From 14,000 Feet

Thanks To Skydive Windy City Chicago










My Skydive Gallery


My Experience


My Faith In God
Initial Fear of Heights
Excitement Level
Adrenaline After Jumping from the Airplane
Fear of Heights From 14,000 Feet
Relief From Landing Safely


My Personal Comments


This was definitely something that I have always wanted to do at some point in my life, but I never knew when that time would be.  Then one evening I received a call from my father and he just happened to ask me if I would like to go jump out of an airplane with him and I said, “Sure why not?”  I know that this is an experience I will never forget and one day I might actually do this again.  However, I just would like to thank my beautiful supportive fiance Chicari , my father Emanuel Cole and our families and friends that have always been very supportive and kept us in their prayers.   I am happy to be able to share this wonderful experience with all of you and I hope that my experience helps encourage you to face your fears and live your life the fullest.